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how to create a landing page with mailerLite

Do you want to build a landing page with MailerLite? We know that building a landing page can be a terrifying thought, especially if you are not a techy.

So we decided to make this tutorial and guide you on how to make a landing page with MailerLite.

Let’s get started!

How to set up the landing page

Create the landing page

1. Go to Sites

2. Go to Landing page

3. Click Create

4. Enter a name for the Site. Your audience won’t see the Site name

5. Choose the type of site you want to build

6. Click Save and Continue

Select a contact group

1. Select a group to classify the leads through the landing page

2. If you want to create a new group, click Add new group.

3. Enter a group name.

4. Click Create.

5. Click Continue once you have selected a group.

Add content and edit the site

Add content to the landing page

1. Preview and choose a theme that makes most sense to your product or lead magnet.

2. In Settings, you can Edit the page layout, add or remove elements, fonts, etc.

3. In blocks, you will be able to add Text, images, buttons, forms, HTML codes, products, etc.

4. To edit any element like header, footer, or buttons, click on the element.

The editor sidebar will appear. There, you will be able to add content and change the settings.

Edit the Success page

Once you finish adding content and editing the landing page, you can now design the page your audience will be redirected to once they take the desired action.

1. To edit the success page, click Success page at the top of the page.

2. Edit and add content to the success page.

3. Once you are done editing the success page, preview the site.

4. If everything looks Ok, click Save and Publish.

Configure settings

Add page URL & add a favicon

1. Change the landing page URL.

Note: If you want to publish the landing page to your own URL, you must have a paid plan.

2. Add a favicon.

The Favicon is a small image that represents a website in web browsers.

Configure page settings

1. Go to SEO settings and add a page title, keywords you want the page to rank for, and a description that will appear on the search results.

2. In Social share, you can edit how you want the page to appear when shared on social media.

3. You can also enable tracking and analytics for the page in Analytics and custom code

4. Once you are done setting up page settings, click Save and continue

That’s it. We hope you found this tutorial helpful and learned how to create a landing page with MailerLite.

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